What is creddd?

Creddd is a piece of your onchain reputation. It's created automatically whenever you do things onchain.

It shows, cryptographically, that you've done things you say you've done. It's privacy-preserving; you don't have to reveal your address to use your creddd.

For more on the tech behind creddd, see here.

You can attach creddd you've created to things you do online. Our current app allows you to add creddd to your fc username. DM Lakshman (farcaster, X) if you’d like an invite.

Creddd is by the team at Personae.

What can I do with creddd on farcaster?

Usernames with creddd are more powerful. They show others that you have true onchain credibility.

Be listed on our ‘follower’ frames by having a high creddd score.

Use @credbot to flex within farcaster.

You can also claim our genesis mint only if you have creddd.

what is the creddd score?

Creddd score is a numeric representation of all of an account’s onchain reputation.

The formula is proprietary at the moment, but we weight:

@credbot boost

Respond to any cast with @credbot boost to boost it - if @credbot detects that the parent’s owner has creddd, it’ll retweet specified cast, mentioning their profile page (example profile page).